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Facts and news releases

As the only organization devoted entirely to the fight against prostate cancer in Quebec, PROCURE has become a privileged source of information for the media, health networks and the general public.


Facts sheets


The PROCURE Biobank


News releases



The fight goes on – COVID-19 PROCURE

See our news release to get the latest details on our preventive measures to ensure the health of all our fellow Canadians. Get the latest recommendations on COVID-19 for people living with prostate cancer, our support programs and our fundraising activities.March 18, 2020



Launch of our new PROCURE Webinars

Montreal, April 26, 2018 – PROCURE is proud to announce the addition of a new tool to its service offering: PROCURE Webinars for Quebecers affected by prostate cancer. Free and broadcast on the website, in the language of the speaker, the webinars, hosted by experts, will feature a variety of topics and issues related to prostate cancer.



Succès pour la première édition de PNEUVEMBRE en soutien à la lutte contre le cancer de la prostate

MONTRÉAL, 2 février 2017 – Plus de 250 détaillants et concessions se sont mobilisés pour sensibiliser leur clientèle et récolter des fonds pour faire progresser la lutte contre le cancer de la prostate au Québec pendant la période de changement des pneus. Ainsi, plus de 50 000 $ étaient amassés grâce à l’industrie automobile du Québec !

ÜRBWA soutient la cause de procure pour lutter contre le cancer de la prostate

MONTRÉAL, 21 novembre 2016  –  ÜRBWA s’associe à PROCURE pour former un partenariat dans le but de soutenir financièrement et de faire connaître l’organisme et sa mission, et bien sûr, d’amasser des fonds pour la cause. Pour chaque nœuds papillon vendus, ÜRBWA versera la somme de vingt dollars à PROCURE.



Four Quebec business leaders join PROCURE in the fight against prostate cancer this November

MONTREAL, October 21, 2015—Thanks to last year’s successful BOWVEMBER campaign, PROCURE has brought together 21 Quebec celebrities who share a common goal: to win the fight against prostate cancer. Four Quebec business leaders—Charles Guay of Manulife, Paul Côté of AMT, Robert Nadeau from OACIQ and Olivier Primeau from the Beachclub—are part of this illustrious group of ambassadors who will wear the bow tie co-created by Pénélope and Winston McQuade with designer Luko Marion.

21 Quebec celebrities join forces with PROCURE this November to fight prostate cancer

MONTREAL, October 21, 2015—Thanks to last year’s successful BOWVEMBER campaign, PROCURE has brought together 21 Quebec celebrities who share a common goal: to win the fight against prostate cancer. Pénélope and her father Winston McQuade collaborated with Quebec designer Luko Marion to create the 2015 edition of the bow tie. This collector’s piece is on sale now for only $35 at as well as select stores across Quebec.

Maripier Morin and Kim Rusk join the group of 21 celebrities who will help PROCURE

MONTREAL, October 21, 2015— Maripier Morin and Kim Rusk join the group of 21 celebrities who will help PROCURE sell 10,000 bow ties this November to help fight prostate cancer in Quebec.

Charles Hamelin joins the Impact, the Alouettes and the Canadiens Alumni to support PROCURE

MONTREAL, October 21, 2015—Thanks to last year’s successful BOWVEMBER campaign, which featured players from the Impact, the Alouettes and the Canadiens as ambassadors, PROCURE was able to bring together 21 Quebec celebrities this year, all of whom share a common goal: to win the fight against prostate cancer. Three-time Olympic gold medalist Charles Hamelin and Canadiens Alumni Gilbert Delorme join Montreal Impact player Evan Bush, Impact president Joey Saputo, Montreal Alouettes player Marc-Olivier Brouillette and Alouettes president Mark Weightman as 2015 ambassadors.

PROCURE lance la première ligne de soutien 24/7 pour les québécois atteints du cancer de la prostate

MONTRÉAL, 7 avril 2015 – PROCURE, le seul organisme de bienfaisance au Québec entièrement consacré à la lutte contre le cancer de la prostate, est fier d’offrir une nouvelle ligne de soutien disponible 24/7 pour aider les patients à se libérer de la peur de l’inconnu et prendre des décisions éclairées grâce au soutien de professionnels de la santé spécialisés. Ce service gratuit et confidentiel est également offert aux membres de la famille et amis des patients ainsi qu’aux professionnels de la santé.

PROCURE announces the affiliation of the Brome-Missisquoi region as its first registered Prostate Cancer Support & Awareness Group in the province of Quebec

MONTREAL, January 20, 2014 – PROCURE is pleased to announce the affiliation of the Brome-Missisquoi region as its first registered Prostate Cancer Support & Awareness Group in Quebec, thus representing an important milestone in the development of its network in the province over the next years.

PROCURE continues in 2014 to expand its Prostate Cancer Support & Awareness Network for men diagnosed with prostate cancer and their families

MONTREAL, January 13, 2014 – As part of its mission to fight against prostate cancer, PROCURE announces that it will pursue in 2014 the expansion of its Prostate Cancer Support & Awareness Groups in Quebec, thus representing an important milestone in the development of its network in the province over the next years.





Media contact

Laurent Proulx
President and CEO, PROCURE
Tel.: 514 341-3000
Tol-free: 1 855 899-2873

Additional media information

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