Do your medications cause erectile dysfunction?
If you experience erection problems such as erectile dysfunction, it’s crucial to understand that this can be related to various causes.
Cancer - Prostate
Cancer - Prostate
We are responding to an urgent need from the biomedical research community by providing high quality data and biological material to study and ultimately eradicate prostate cancer
We organize flagship events throughout the year in order to raise public and corporate awareness about this disease
We offer a full range of support services and helpful information to Quebecers affected by prostate cancer throughout their journey
We are committed to demonstrating that for every dollar we receive, 92 cents are invested judiciously and effectively in the fight against prostate cancer
If you experience erection problems such as erectile dysfunction, it’s crucial to understand that this can be related to various causes.
HIFU treatment, a type of focal therapy, is an innovative approach for treating intermediate-risk localized prostate cancer that is well-visualized on MRI.
Vacuum erection devices (VEDs) are a non-invasive solution for men experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED), particularly after radical surgery to treat prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer
do not experience it alone.
Our healthcare professionals are here to answer all your questions and those of your loved ones. Contact us.
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