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Back to the best questions to our nurses in 2019

Looking back on 4 “myth questions” asked to our nurses in 2019. We call them “myth questions” because they are in fact myths about prostate cancer that persist over time and PROCURE cannot escape them. Enjoy! My wife does not want to have sex anymore because she is afraid of getting cancer. Can I pass

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According to a study, men know little about the role of their prostate

September 2019 – Survey reveals men’s low level of knowledge about the health and the role of their prostate. From the European Urology Association press release. Click here to read it in its entirety.   The ignorance of men over 50 years of prostate health is alarming, according to a new survey conducted at the request of the European

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Treatments-Test your knowledge

Test Your Knowledge is a fun little quiz that covers five major topics related to prostate cancer: prevention, symptoms, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. You will, therefore, find below five questions testing your knowledge which relates to the fifth topic being treatments. You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. Have fun and learn more about prostate

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Diagnosis-Test your knowledge

Test Your Knowledge is a fun little quiz that covers five major topics related to prostate cancer: prevention, symptoms, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. You will, therefore, find below five questions testing your knowledge which relates to the fourth topic being diagnosis. You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. Have fun and learn

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5 Prostate Cancer Myths

Myth 1: Prostate cancer causes erectile dysfunction Fact: Prostate cancer does not cause erectile dysfunction. This is a tenacious myth even if the prostate does not control the erection of the penis. Different nerves control erection and orgasm. If you have erection problems, don’t blame the prostate: it can’t do anything for you. A doctor, yes. In reality, the

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Learning to breathe is essential!

Breathing is a fundamental element of relaxation. Still, learning to breathe is a skill. If you have ever taken a deep breath in order to calm a panic attack, then you know the importance of the role that this function plays on your well-being. By becoming aware of your breathing, you can not only better know

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Screening-Test your knowledge

Test Your Knowledge is a fun little quiz that covers five major topics related to prostate cancer: prevention, symptoms, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. You will, therefore, find below five questions testing your knowledge which relates to the third topic being screening. You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. Have fun and

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Prevention-Test your knowledge

Test Your Knowledge is a fun little quiz that covers five major topics related to prostate cancer: prevention, symptoms, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. You will, therefore, find below five questions testing your knowledge which relates to the first topic being prevention and risk factors. You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. Have

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Symptoms-Test your knowledge

Test Your Knowledge is a fun little quiz that covers five major topics related to prostate cancer: prevention, symptoms, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. You will, therefore, find below five questions testing your knowledge which relates to the second topic being symptoms. You will find the answers at the bottom of the page. Have fun and learn

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PSA test: Yes, no, maybe?

Prostate cancer can be cured quite well, but you still need to be screened early to put the odds on your side. The prostate-specific antigen test, or PSA test, makes it possible to detect the disease at an early stage, often in the absence of symptoms, thereby preventing many deaths related to advanced and aggressive cancers.

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5 facts to know about prostatitis

First – The prevalence of prostatitis In their lifetime, 50% of men will have some form of prostatitis. It is a condition that can affect men of all ages. Prostatitis causes inflammation or infection of the prostate. Prostatitis is not a form of prostate cancer and does not increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. 2. Types of

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5 facts to know about an enlarged prostate (BPH)

First – An enlarged prostate (BPH) is not and does not cause prostate cancer Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) or enlarged prostate is characterized by an increase in the volume of your prostate due to excessive multiplication of your cells. It is a natural part of getting older.  From the age of 50, it affects almost

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Stenosis of the urethra… What is it exactly?

Urethral stenosis or stricture is a narrowing of your urinary canal (the urethra) through which your urine flows. It is a scar inside or around your urethra that can decrease your urine flow. Imagine a narrowing or an elbow in a garden hose that would slow the flow of water. A stenosis restricts the flow of urine from the

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What your pee can tell you

Whether you urinate standing or sitting, embarrassed or not, before flushing, watch and pay attention to your pee that you have just poured into your toilet, bowl to be more precise. Obviously, this is not an easy exercise to do when urinating at the foot of a tree, in the woods, in a trout lake or

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6 tips to keep your prostate healthy

Fortunately, there is much you can do to keep your prostate healthy as you age and to stay one step ahead. It makes sense that your lifestyle, exercise habits, and diet have a tremendous impact on your prostate health. Good habits can help prevent and lower risk factors for prostate disease, such as enlarged prostate,

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Men’s Health – 10 common mistakes men make

We often joke that men pay more attention to their car than to their health. As much as they are quick to make an appointment with a mechanic, they tend to ignore early symptoms of a possible disease as slight problems that will disappear on their own. Here are the 10 common mistakes men should avoid making

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Welcome life… Serge’s story

Welcome life… The second part of Serge’s testimony “In my previous testimony, Alone against my diagnosis, I mentioned that when my prostate cancer was announced, a very aggressive cancer, my partner at the time had ended our relationship, the disease – especially cancer – not being her cup of tea. So I found myself in front

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Investing in your health, a must… Martin’s story

Investing in your health, a must… The second part of Martin’s testimony “Living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer is demanding. Between the treatments, the multiple appointments, the roller coaster of emotions, fatigue, hot flashes and so on, I can easily understand that a person can be demotivated when the time comes to move or even

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Alone against my diagnosis… Serge’s story

Alone against my diagnosis… Just like Martin, Serge learns that he has prostate cancer in the prime years of his life, that is to say at the beginning of his fifties (yes age… is relative). What you need to understand is that men who receive a prostate cancer diagnosis are usually much older, well in their sixties

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Quite a shock… Martin’s story

Quite a shock… The first part of Martin’s story “We are in 2015, I am 50 years old, I am in great shape. I eat well – actually, my wife and I follow a very healthy diet – I train, do bodybuilding and jog on a regular basis. Even if I have been followed by a urologist

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Prostate cancer
do not experience it alone.

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