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Drugs, allergies and sperm quality – What’s the link?

You are ready to start a family? The link is the negative effect of certain medications/drugs on male fertility and ability to conceive naturally. Certain over-the-counter or prescribed medications or certain legal or illegal substances can have a negative effect on sperm quality, hence your fertility. Men who wish to father a child should talk

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Blood in the urine – what does that mean exactly?

Hematuria is the clinical name given when there is blood in the urine. The presence of blood in the urine can make urine appear pink, red, or brown, depending on the amount of blood, how long it has been in the urine, and how acidic the urine is. Many causes of blood in the urine are

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Blood in the sperm – what does that mean exactly?

Hemospermia is the clinical name given when there is blood in the sperm. Seeing blood in your sperm can be alarming. And while the presence of blood in your sperm may be cause for concern, it is generally not serious and does not require an immediate medical examination. The presence of blood in the sperm

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Can you have a good life despite advanced cancer?

Today, many patients now have access to more than one drug that can help them live longer and improve their quality of life, despite living with advanced cancer. I was diagnosed at the age of 65 and I have been living with my prostate cancer for 20 years. And to all the men who have this

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What I need to know before treatment

Men diagnosed with prostate cancer experience a spike in anxiety and stress. This reaction, human and normal, is likely to affect their ability to process information. Making an informed decision about treatment becomes extremely difficult and yet this decision will be among the most important in their lives. You should know that, before deciding on a treatment,

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How do I tell my loved ones about my cancer?

Upon learning that he has prostate cancer, a man is often in such a state of shock that he hears nothing other than the word cancer. “Why me? What did I do wrong? To whom and how will I tell about my cancer? It’s not fair”. The many reactions linked to illness, treatments, temporary changes in family life, as

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But… I had no risk factor!

There are no cancer history or risk factor in my family. Neither on my mother’s side nor on my father’s side. My uncle died of lung cancer, but he was smoking like a chimney. I play sports, eat well, I am in good shape and, according to my doctor, I have a healthy weight. My PSA has always been

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The 5 types of food to limit for a healthy prostate

Unfortunately, no convincing studies have found a clear link between diet and prostate cancer directly. However, clinical studies on migrants have suggested that there may be an association between prostate cancer and diet. Changing dietary habits also have benefits for the prevention of cardiovascular disease and other cancers such as colon cancer. It should be

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Prostate Cancer

The news about the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world is cause for concern and you may be wondering what special precautions you should take, especially if you have prostate cancer. First, the most important thing to remember, whether or not you have prostate cancer, is that if you have symptoms, such as fever

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What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, says one of the most powerful tools for fighting inflammation does not come from the pharmacy, but from your groceries. “Many experimental studies have shown that the components of food or drink can have anti-inflammatory effects,”

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Do Aphrodisiac diets exist?

First, a little Google search with the most powerful aphrodisiac foods keywords generated about 824,000 results in 50 seconds! Subject of interest you say? Secondly, Aphrodisiac diets and the many aphrodisiac concoctions (food, plants, spices, among others) to improve your performance and your sexuality are not new, but since the dawn of time and still attracting lots of interest. However, are

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Omega-3 – Fish or supplements?

We often forget the importance of certain “good” fats in our daily diet. This is the case of polyunsaturated fats: omega-6 and omega-3. These fats are capital for our organism, but the human body is unable to manufacture them. The only solution is to include them in our diet. If omega-6s are present in large quantities in the foods

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Did you say renewed intimacy? Point of view of a woman

We are a very close couple and we have always believed that important issues, such as intimacy, should be discussed. However, for me, this experience felt different. How could I burden my partner with my concerns, when he has cancer, and his life has been turned upside down? My greatest fear was to unintentionally hurt

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Sex and intimacy: Discussing it openly is good for your health!

How to approach the subject… Especially after a treatment, you and your partner will have to establish new normality as regards intimacy, sex, and communication. This can include helping manage treatment-related side effects that not only have a direct impact on your sex life but which can also have an indirect impact on your partner’s

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Prostate cancer concerns the partner too!

Whether your partner has already been treated for prostate cancer or is currently receiving treatment for the disease, there can be many changes in your relationship and in your life. Some partners or spouses may not feel comfortable asking for support, while others may be very open about their needs and feelings. The way he chooses

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Emotional Health – Recognize your mood swings

When you hear the news of prostate cancer, in addition to the initial shock, it is not uncommon to be in denial and feel sadness, fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, and anger all at the same time. In other words, your emotional health is turned upside down. Relatives often go through the same range of emotions. This is

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They bought me a gym membership!

You read correctly! And the main interested party to receive this gift was never consulted. The title They bought me a gym membership! somehow illustrates our good intentions and what we aspire to every January 1st. Each year that begins calls for its share of resolutions, for oneself, and wishes, for others. A tradition that is very present, in

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5 tips to change a habit

Often our habits are so ingrained that we don’t even realize we have them. Whether your bad habit is a minor concern like cracking your joints or something more serious, like living a sedentary lifestyle, having a poor diet, or smoking, you are going to have to make continuous efforts and organize yourself to break the cycle.

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Tobacco – Is this a new prostate cancer risk?

Several risk factors have been linked (e.g. animal fat, red meat, dairy products, being overweight, etc.) to prostate cancer, but there is insufficient evidence to support that they are risk factors beyond doubt. But what about tobacco? More research is needed to clarify the role of these factors in the development of prostate cancer. We already

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What to do today to sleep better tonight?

Many people with prostate cancer have trouble sleeping. And for good reasons: not only can treatments for the disease create anxiety and uncertainty in the life of the person affected, but they can also disturb their sleep patterns and create insomnia. Basically Sleep responds to a specific rhythm. If we constantly change the time we go to

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Prostate cancer
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