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Prostate Cancer in Families – Spread the word!

“One of the most precious legacies you can give your children is knowledge that will empower them to make informed lifestyle and healthcare decisions. Many daily choices can help prevent cancer. Educating yourself and your family can boost motivation to form wise habits such as eating heart healthy foods (yes, if it’s good for your

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8 questions men have about prostate cancer

A taboo subject wouldn’t you say? Especially since there are many questions that men ask themselves about prostate cancer without talking openly about this disease of course. Even swept under the rug, the following questions below remain important, don’t you think?! What are the risk factors for prostate cancer? Current knowledge about prostate cancer is

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What is Andropause?

According to the Quebec Association of Endocrinologists (AMEQ), the terms “andropause” and “menopause in men” are not adequate. Menopause is the cessation of menstrual cycles occurring in all women. Therefore, what is Andropause? Testosterone levels in humans do not decrease suddenly, but rather gradually as they age. Not all men will experience a significant decrease

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Can inflammation of the prostate be prevented?

Can inflammation of the prostate be prevented? It is not known what causes most cases of prostatitis and there is no sure way to prevent inflammation of the prostate. In fact, most cases of prostatitis cannot be prevented. Most often, the nerves and muscles in the pelvis cause pain due to local inflammation that affects

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Can cycling cause prostatitis?

No serious scientific study has shown a link between sexual disorder in men, prostate disease and cycling. But the question Can cycling cause prostatitis? is tenacious and the information on the internet is often contradictory. We have heard almost everything about the links between cycling and male genital risks: fertility problems, erection problems, difficulty urinating… “cycling is bad

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Healthy cocktail ideas for your prostate

Regardless of the season, why not take the opportunity to enjoy a healthy cocktail for your prostate? Here are some ideas that might inspire you to create your own homemade cocktail recipes afterward, based on your favorite tastes and foods. Need extra motivation? Science has proven it: your digestive system, immune system and overall health are

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Can a citrus supplement stop my cancer?

Modified citrus pectin (MCP) is a dietary supplement sold online or in pharmacies usually in powder form. The question Can a citrus supplement stop my cancer? is important because of claims that can be found on the internet. In alternative medicine, modified citrus pectin is believed to slow the growth of certain types of cancer (including prostate cancer,

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8 facts men should know about their prostate

Your prostate is a sex gland. It is very small, hidden at the bottom of your pelvis and performs the miracles of life, that is to fertilize an egg. Did you know that? There are others as well. Here are 8 facts that all men should know about their prostate. It increases your sexual capacity –

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Tips to help prevent BPH

Can you prevent prostate enlargement or BPH? The short answer is no, you cannot. For most men, the prostate gets bigger with age, which can lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Then, why an article on tips to help prevent BPH if you cannot prevent it? Let’s take a closer look. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) refers to

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Can eating vegetables keep my cancer from getting worse?

Interesting question! Could improving your nutrition or eating vegetables prevent your cancer from getting worse, or maybe even make it go away? To explore this possibility, let’s see together the results of a randomized phase III study called Men’s Eating And Living (MEAL Study), published at the beginning of the year the prestigious scientific journal

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When hormone therapy significantly increases overall survival…

The arrival of next-generation hormone therapy to treat non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer provides a significant opportunity for men and their families. Non-metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer treatment NUBEQA® (darolutamide) significantly improves overall survival with a favourable safety profile in men with non-metastatic prostate cancer. Source: Bayer Canada Press Release MISSISSAUGA, ON, June 16, 2020 – Data

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Recovery timeline after surgery

Recovery timeline after surgery, that is after radical prostate surgery, varies from person to person depending on how their body heals naturally and the severity of the disease before surgery. Here are some tips to help you with your recovery timeline. Plan your return home After surgery, you will not necessarily have the energy to

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Is it safe to delay my treatment

Yes and no. The answer to the question Is it safe to delay my treatment depends on many factors: your type of prostate cancer, your age, and your general health. Your treatment may be delayed due to an external situation beyond your control such as a pandemic. Or lack of nurses or availability of an

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The benefits of walking on your prostate

For a healthy prostate, prevention is the best remedy, and exercise, such as the benefits of walking, can be one of your great allies. Essential in the role of your fertility, the prostate can be a small annoying gland. It can be prone to painful infections or inflammation (prostatitis), hypertrophy (BPH) which increases the frequency of

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Is digital rectal examination still relevant

The signs are not symptoms you may have, such as urinary tract symptoms, but objective facts your doctor can feel. Currently, a digital rectal examination is the cheapest method of screening for prostate cancer, only partially, because nowadays it is done in tandem with a PSA test. It was also the only method that existed

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Yes or no for a PSA test for men over age 70

We all know that aging is a recognized risk factor for prostate cancer, that it can be cured, but you still need to be screened early to put the odds in your favor. But what about older men? Should men be screened for prostate cancer and have a PSA test past 70 years of age?

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What is successful active surveillance

Is it possible to achieve successful active surveillance? Of course. Does this mean your cancer will never progress? Not at all. But in 65-70% of cases, cancer does not progress because the patient was a good candidate for this type of treatment option. Having prostate cancer does not necessarily mean that you will be treated.

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Is there a link between prostate cancer and vasectomy?

The answer is no. Most men are quite nervous when it comes to vasectomy. And for three decades, conflicting studies have not reassured them. Some researchers have argued in the past that the surgical procedure may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Indeed, some controversy has been raised over the relationship between vasectomy and prostate

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LGBT-10 things you need to know about prostate cancer

In Quebec, 12 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every day, regardless of their sexual orientation. For the LGBT community, here are 10 things you need to know about prostate cancer. And know that our team of nurses specialized in uro-oncology is there to answer all your concerns, as well. 10 things to know about

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Natural products to improve erections – Pros & Cons

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or maintain an erection firm and long enough to have sex. If this is your case, it is very likely that you paid a little attention to the advertisements of natural products to improve erections or to “increase your sexual performance”. And this is completely natural. But the question is could they work

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