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My experience with radiation therapy

by Joseph, 67 ans This is my brief story of the experience I had with prostate cancer, its consequent treatment and its effect on my life: My family doctor had been keeping an eye on my enlarged prostate until one day he decided I needed a more intensive investigation; he then referred me to a

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The challenge to intimacy

by Leah Carson The message from my husband Ben on my answering machine at work said : “It’s cancer. I will probably need surgery, which will result in 95% temporary incontinence and a significant chance of erectile dysfunction, depending on the outcome of surgery. With surgery, my prognosis for cure is about 85%.” My husband

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A challenge for the couple

by Ben, 56 years old When I was 56 and having my annual check up my family doctor mentioned that he felt a small lump on my prostate. He did not think it was anything serious, but should be followed up. First was a PSA blood test: the result was 2. He referred me to

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Prevention is the key

by Line Gignac Burns The journey I have had to take with my husband over the past few years has been incredibly instructive and formative. Together, we had to discover the different steps to take with specialists as we learned to deal with my husband’s disease. Our experiences and discoveries all led to the same

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A prostate cancer odyssey

by J. C. (Jack) Lynch, 65 years old Things were going well in the early ’90s. Our team had won the Quebec Senior Men’s curling championship in 1992; I had helped to sell curling as an official Olympic sport to the International Olympic Committee and I was preparing to go the Atlanta Olympics in 1996

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