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Health Canada Approves New Indication for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

New Indication for the Use of Xtandi® (enzalutamide) Capsules Approval based on improved overall survival, delayed time to radiographic progression and an overall positive risk-benefit profile In the Phase III PREVAIL trial, men receiving enzalutamide therapy exhibited a statistically significant improvement in both overall survival and delayed time to radiographic progression or death as compared to

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Man ready for his pelvic scan of his prostate cancer

What are my treatment options?

Under 70 years old Men in their fifties or sixties are more likely to die from prostate cancer than older men because the disease has more time to evolve or reappear. It is therefore very important to treat the cancer as soon as possible. In general, when the prostate cancer is localized, the most effective

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What are the prostate cancer treatment options?

There are several treatment options available for patients suffering from prostate cancer. The doctor adapts the treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each person and determines which option will lead to the most optimal results. Treatment should therefore take account of the progress of the disease, health status, age, opinions, preferences and expectations

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What happens after my diagnosis of prostate cancer ?

The diagnosis of prostate cancer greatly influences the choice of treatment. Indeed, the results of the biopsy and the different tests and scans measure two key indicators: the grade and stage of prostate cancer. The grade determines the degree of aggressiveness of the cancer while the stage indicates the degree of spread. Both indicators are

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How is prostate cancer staged?

The grade and stage of prostate cancer help determine the evolution of the disease. The grade refers to the degree of aggressiveness of the prostate cancer and can be assessed through the Gleason score. Cancer stage, meanwhile, refers to the degree of spread of cancer cells.. This article will cover the concept of prostate cancer

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Travel Insurance : Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need travel medical protection when I travel abroad? An accident or emergency can happen anywhere. If you need medical care in another country or another province/territory, your government health plan may pay only part of the costs. Travel insurance starts where these plans finish. Travel insurance can also provide coverage for unforeseen

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Intimacy and Prostate Cancer

Physical and emotional intimacy can be a worrying issue for a man with prostate cancer or his partner. This concern is entirely legitimate and understandable given that intimacy is an important aspect of life. Prostate cancer can negatively affect the sexual function of patients. This may threaten their masculinity and lead to feelings of anger,

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Relationships with Loved Ones

Prostate cancer diagnosis is a difficult and challenging time for patients and their family. Relationships are often affected by this experience. Some relationships remain unchanged, others are solidified and some may suffer.

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Tailored prostate cancer treatment

Over the years, prostate cancer treatment has immensely progressed. Doctors can now provide patients with a more tailored treatment. Indeed, advances in science, technology and surgical techniques have enabled medical teams to offer more personalized prostate cancer treatments.

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Two-drug combination may improve survival in men with advanced cancer

Treating men with advanced prostate cancer using a two-drug combination may significantly increase survival. Indeed, a Harvard-affiliated medical research team found that patients with advanced prostate cancer treated with a combination of ADT and a chemotherapy drug called docetaxel lived approximately 14-17 months longer than men who started their treatment on ADT alone. These results

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Vitamin D deficiency may be linked to aggressive prostate cancer

The Benefits of Vitamin D A great amount of research present the multiple benefits of Vitamin D. For example, Vitamin D regulates the amount of calcium and phosphorus, helps build bones and brings many more benefits to other tissues in the body, including kidneys, intestines and parathyroid glands. In fact, past reasearch found a link

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Tomatoes Help Fight Prostate Cancer

New research suggests that men who eat over 10 portions a week of tomatoes have a significantly lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Researchers at Universities of Bristol, Cambridge and Oxford published the first of its kind study in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. The research consisted of a comparison between the

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Walking Can Increase the Chance to Conquer Cancer

The Guardian recently published an encouraging study from the Macmillan Cancer Support claiming moderate intensity exercise like walking can significantly reduce the chance of dying from cancer. The study suggests that patients with prostate cancer can reduce their risk by 30% if they walk a 20 minutes everyday or 1.6 km. The exercise has to

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ZYTIGA® – Now Reimbursed in Quebec

 ZYTIGA®* Now Reimbursed in Québec for Use Prior to Chemotherapy In Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer.  Men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) in Québec now have access to a therapy that can be used prior to chemotherapy. Effective February 3, 2014, the province has added ZYTIGA® (abiraterone acetate) to the public drug formulary for the

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A daughter’s perspective

by M.L. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1994, when he was 65 and I was 29. There is no question that my first reaction upon hearing the news was outright fear. To some extent, it was news I found hard to believe, but when I did think about it, I was afraid.

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What a shock to discover that I had prostate cancer

by Gaspard Fauteux What a shock to discover, in November 2006, that I had prostate cancer. You think it’s something that only happens to other people, and don’t feel vulnerable yourself. I realized I was now part of that statistic: the one in seven Canadian men who are affected. Once I had absorbed the news

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Keeping up to par

by Alex Mackay, 59 years old I am an avid golfer; I love the game for the many challenges it brings. Anybody playing this sport will agree that the feeling of executing a good shot, breaking the 100’s, the 90’s and the 80’s or beating one’s own best score is very gratifying. On the other

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Always known that I was at risk for prostate cancer

by Benoit, 53 years old I was afraid of the truth, I had always known that I was at risk for prostate cancer since my father was diagnosed and operated on at the age of 69. I must say I hoped for a different fate. I spoke to my family doctor about this at each

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