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5 Steps for a new healthier lifestyle

Adopting a new healthier behaviour is not always easy. The process of change, whether it relates to lifestyle modification for prostate cancer prevention or long-term prostate cancer management, can seem long, complex and challenging.

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Fruits and vegetables : cancer-fighting superfoods ?

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of healthy eating. An overall healthy diet filled with colorful fruits and vegetables is strongly linked to chronic disease prevention such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. The USDA recommends eating 9 servings (1 cup or 100 grams/serving) every day.

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Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle – Exercise regularly

Physical activity can be very beneficial for your physical and emotional health. Staying active can help manage your weight, build muscle, keep your bones strong, reduce your fatigue and anxiety. Exercise can also help with side effects of prostate cancer treatment.

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Give a helping hand and make a difference

by Winston McQuade When I was diagnosed in 2003, I pulled no punches but put all chances on my side. I first stopped smoking, I started exercising at the gym and I changed my diet:  less alcohol and more green vegetables… It is important to take charge, and to follow the necessary therapies. As you

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Advices from a radiation oncologist on choosing a treatment

You are in the process of choosing a treatment or you know someone who has just received a prostate cancer diagnosis? Follow the advice of radiation oncologist Dr Daniel Taussky from Notre-Dame Hospital of CHUM. To view the April 27th Conference with Dr. Daniel Taussky, including the testimony of a Prostate Cancer Survivor, click here.

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Testimony of a patient who chose brachytherapy

Testimony of a patient who chose brachytherapy

How do we live this transition every day? You are in the process of choosing a treatment or you know someone who has just received a prostate cancer diagnosis? Mr. Victor Glazer, who chose brachytherapy in 2014, shares with us the advice he would give to a family member, colleague or friend: Here is his

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Is radiation therapy right for me ?

Radiation therapy is one of the main treatments offered to men with prostate cancer. External beam radiation therapy External beam radiation therapy is used to treat prostate cancer using high intensity radiation beams such as X-rays, gamma rays and electrons. More precisely, it consists in the emission of radiation from an external source directed towards

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