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My pharmacist… a precious ally!

But concretely, what is their role? What can you expect from your pharmacist? Your pharmacist is the health care professional who is most familiar with drugs, whether prescribed or over the counter. His extensive training also covers illnesses, the symptoms they cause, their treatment and the signs that medical consultation is necessary. He also has excellent knowledge of

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If I choose active surveillance, will my cancer grow?

As any doctor knows, the right treatment is the most appropriate treatment for the patient, active surveillance included. It’s important to understand these two principles. The first is that the wrong diagnosis (and by that, I’m not talking only about the “diagnosis” of prostate cancer, but the identification of the level of risk of the

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I have several treatment options… Which one to choose?

After listening and trying to understand Peter’s very laborious and very scientific explanations about my treatment options, my questioning remained. My “personal coefficient” would weigh in favor of a treatment that is more in line with my personal situation, my conception of life and my quality of life, my expectations of life and my sense

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I want to postpone my treatment… Is that wise?

I want to postpone my treatment… Is that wise? The answer to this question varies, depending on a bunch of factors: your particular form of prostate cancer, your age and general health. First, what you need to know If you have cancer in your prostate, it didn’t just spring up like a mushroom. It has

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Did you say prostate cancer?

When I went to the hospital to receive the results of my biopsy, I was ready for anything except what I was going to hear that morning… prostate cancer! Yet, even if after the fact I realized that I had all the symptoms leading to a diagnosis of prostate cancer, I refused to face reality

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Can a MRI of my prostate replace a biopsy?

Although it does not replace a prostate biopsy, doctors increasingly using imaging technology to help diagnose and treat prostate cancer. One of these technologies is the multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI). It is a sophisticated technology that involves creating detailed three-dimensional images of the prostate and surrounding tissue, using waves and a magnetic field. The images

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My PSA is higher. Can the labs be wrong?

PSA is produced by healthy cells in the prostate. This is why it’s normal to find a small amount of PSA in your blood. A PSA higher than normal can be worrisome. However, the only conclusion we can draw is that your prostate is talking to you and that we need to investigate. A PSA test

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8 prostate cancer risk factors

Most cancers are due to many risk factors, but sometimes prostate cancer develops in men who have none of the risk factors described below. The exact causes of prostate cancer are still unknown. Numerous studies are underway in the world and we will surely know more in the coming years. However, research has shed light on

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I’m only 20 years old. Should I worry about prostate cancer?

There is convincing evidence that a family history of the disease increases your risk for prostate cancer. This does not mean that you will develop it. It only means that if f you have a family history of prostate cancer, talk to your doctor about when you should start screening for this disease. A family

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Ready for love after prostate cancer?

Convinced that your prostate cancer holds back your hopes of finding the right life companion? And what if that was not quite the case… Men who have had prostate cancer would confirm that after the illness, life is never the same as it used to be. Indeed, the illness changes our priorities, values, and our

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My prostate hurts. Could it be cancer?

There are three major prostate diseases: benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) or enlarged prostate, prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate and prostate cancer. After the age of 40, it is important that you do not confuse the symptoms of these three conditions. Examination by a doctor becomes more than important. Excerpt from the new edition Prostate

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How well do you know your prostate?

Men often mistakenly think that the prostate is required for penile erection. But that is not quite the case. You need to know your prostate. Reading the following, you will learn more about… why men have a prostate! What is the prostate? It’s a gland Located under your bladder and in front of your rectum,

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Prostate cancer and travel: Am I insurable?

It may be harder or more expensive for a prostate cancer survivor to get travel health or trip cancellation insurance. Some private companies do offer this type of coverage to cancer survivors, but at a higher rate and under specific conditions. According to CAA, every insurer has its own rules and limits when it comes

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Dear stress: I think it’s time to break up

For many, the holiday season is usually synonymous with gatherings and celebrations with family and friends. It’s a happy moment, where you want to please your loved ones. For others, it’s a hectic time, interspersed with stress and anxiety. Are holidays for you more stressful than festive? Are you the type of person who cannot

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PROCURE: Credible source of information on prostate cancer

The medical content on the PROCURE website is validated by a committee of urologists, making it a credible source of information on prostate cancer. The most popular YouTube videos on prostate cancer often offer biased or misleading information, posing potential health risks to patients. It is vital that patients have reliable sources of information on

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Can cannabis treat cancer? Can cannabis cause cancer?

Research about pot’s or cannabis therapeutic benefits is still inconclusive. Smoking it, like smoking tobacco, has been linked to lung and oral cancers. Text by Ben Waldman, published on on October 17, 2018 There are testimonials suggesting cannabis helped treat people’s cancer or even rid them of the disease, but as far as Canada’s

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One, two, three… Go!

You have prostate cancer? Move as soon as you can! We talked about the importance of exercising with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Why? If only to regain some power over your life, self-esteem and body image. During prostate cancer treatment, it’s normal to not feel much like exercising, but it’s recommended by doctors to

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What happens after my diagnosis of prostate cancer?

The diagnosis of prostate cancer greatly influences the choice of treatment. In fact, the results of the biopsy and the various tests determine two key indicators, namely the grade (Gleason score) and the stage of prostate cancer. The grade specifies the degree of aggressiveness of cancer while the stage indicates its degree of spread. These

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Immunotherapy offers hope for men

New drugs have given thousands of men with aggressive prostate cancer fresh hope of beating the disease. Trials are now underway to test immunotherapy drugs, which supercharge the body’s immune system to fight disease in those who are resistant to traditional treatments. Around 10% of prostate cancer cases diagnosed each year have DNA mutations in their

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Prostate cancer
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