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My reaction… Stéphane’s story

For me, the shock, or my reaction, was perhaps a little less than the others when I learned I had prostate cancer, my father having been diagnosed at the age of 55. Nevertheless, at 53 years old and being particularly fit, I had to concentrate strongly when driving across the island of Montreal after hearing

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I was ready for anything except… Jean’s story

For some men, being diagnosed with prostate cancer is completely unsettling, but not necessarily a surprise when there is a significant history of cancer, especially prostate cancer, in the family. For these men, witnesses of a father, uncle, grandfather or brother struggling with this disease, screening is already required on an annual basis. Their questions – on

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Case Stories: Robert

We have already shared the case stories of Réal, Jean-Michel and Louis, Franck and Paul (Jean François et Michel), Larry and Charles (Laurent et Charles), as well as those of  Eric and William (Yvon et William). Here is Robert’s, extracted from the new book edition Prostate Cancer – Understand the disease and its treatments, 2019. “[…] Robert,

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Case Stories: Réal, Jean-Michel and Louis

We have already shared the stories of Jean-François and Michel, Laurent and Charles, as well as those of Yvon and William. Here are those of Réal, Jean-Michel and Louis, extracted from the new book edition Prostate Cancer – Understand the disease and its treatments, 2019. To learn more about the prediction tools found in these case stories, we

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Can we swim during radiotherapy or after surgery?

Whether you are doing it for your physical or psychological well-being, or for staying in shape, fighting fatigue or sleeping better, or accelerating your recovery, physical activity during or after the treatment of your prostate cancer will always be encouraged, as it brings many benefits to your health and quality of life in general. But

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Case Stories: Eric and William

We have already shared the stories of Franck and Paul (Jean François et Michel), as well as those of  Larry and Charles (Laurent et Charles). Here are now those of Eric and William (Yvon et William), extracted from the new book edition Prostate Cancer – Understand the disease and its treatments, 2019.  “[…] Eric, 73 years

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Meat, cooking and BBQ: what you need to know

Who does not like the good smell of a steak or skewer cooking on a barbecue grill? At this time of the year, many BBQ fans enjoy it, using it every day, if not every weekend. Not only does it smell good, but it is a zen and relaxing activity to be outside preparing our

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Case Stories: Larry and Charles

Since we recently discussed the different treatment options and new molecules to treat prostate cancer, the next series of articles will be interspersed with case stories, comparing treatment choices based on different diagnosis. We have already shared the stories of Franck and Paul (Jean François and Michel in the French version). Here are those of

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In lack of idea to keep fit after 50 years?

In Quebec, we love sports and activities to keep fit after 50 years. We “eat” hockey, “wait” for the return of the Nordiques, hopefully the Expos, support the Alouettes and the Montreal Impact, watch Formula 1, follow the Olympics, our tennis players… To this is added our pride in our Quebecers among the strongest in the

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Case Stories: Frank and Paul

As we recently talked about different treatment options and new molecules to treat prostate cancer, the next few articles will be interspersed with case histories to compare treatment options based on different diagnoses. We believe that, unless you have no choice because your cancer is aggressive, taking the time to make the right decision is

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Why does PSA play such an important role during and after your treatment?

Whether you are currently under active surveillance, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or have opted for surgery or radiation therapy, your prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood level is an important indicator of the effectiveness and your response to treatment. In general, your PSA rate is expected to fall, to be at very low or undetectable levels (0), depending

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You no longer respond to your hormone therapy?

As you know, hormone therapy is mainly used when first treatments fail or when a patient is not a candidate for radical surgery or radiotherapy. On occasion, it can be combined with other treatments, such as radiotherapy. As you also know, hormone therapy may be slowing the growth of prostate cancer, but it cannot cure

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Your role while on hormone therapy for prostate cancer

For many men with prostate cancer like you, a short or long-term hormone therapy, combined or not with another treatment (eg radiotherapy), offers the hope of a long life by controlling your illness. Hormone therapy blocks your testosterone, a hormone known to stimulate the growth of prostate cancer. A matter of the heart Although it

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Cholesterol: Unraveling the good from the bad

Blood cholesterol is a natural fat. Your body needs it to work properly. Blood cholesterol helps to make hormones, such as testosterone, cell membranes (which cover the cells), and vitamin D. The problem is when there is too much. What’s good and what’s bad cholesterol? Your liver makes about 80% of your body’s cholesterol. The

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Blood pressure: What do the numbers mean?

For all men and especially those who are on hormone therapy for prostate cancer… Blood pressure is the pressure or force of your blood against the walls of your blood vessels as it circulates. Blood pressure is most commonly measured in the brachial artery of your arm and it is expressed as two numbers. Systolic

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What you need to know before starting hormone therapy

Hormone therapy blocks your testosterone, a hormone known to stimulate the growth of prostate cancer. Although it is a treatment of reference, especially if you have advanced prostate cancer, hormone therapy is not without side effects. In fact, it is the lowering of your testosterone levels that is responsible for them. This is what you

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Top 5 health risks for men

In addition to prostate cancer, the most prevalent among men, and benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) that will affect the majority of men with age, here are the top five health risks for men. Gentlemen, please watch for the risks and do not wait to consult if necessary! Heart and Cardiovascular Diseases Cardiovascular or coronary heart

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6 tips to help cope with urinary incontinence

You have urinary incontinence and don’t know what to do about it? First of all, you should talk to your doctor about it. It is a must. And you need to make sure you get satisfactory answers to your questions and know what you need and can do. In the article Do you have urinary symptoms

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Do you have urinary symptoms and are worried?

Difficulty urinating, weak or interrupted urine stream, feeling your bladder is half full, frequent, or urgent need to urinate… These urinary symptoms are often linked to an enlarged prostate (BPH), a natural phenomenon affecting more than 50% of men from 50 years old. Although this condition is quite mild, it’s important to consult, just to make sure.

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Plants, friends of the prostate?

How can plants, friends of the prostate according to many men, help you? What you still need to know is that tiny during childhood, your prostate is the size of a ping pong ball at puberty and then grows naturally and gradually over time, reaching, in some men, the size of a tennis ball and

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Prostate cancer
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