Each patient experiences diseases, such as cancer, differently. The course of the disease may also differ from patient to patient. The caregiver will therefore have to adapt to the patient’s needs. Here is what your leitmotiv should be: You are a caregiver? One bite at a time!
Excerpt of their article Taking care of yourself
According to the organization L’Appui, To support a loved one every day, family caregivers need all their energy and by giving themselves time to relax, they can refuel so they can perform their role well. That said, relaxing can become a genuine challenge with such busy days. So, how do we find time to relax?
Think of yourself
Thinking of yourself means reserving time every day to recharge your batteries by doing something you enjoy, something you like. A realistic goal is more likely to be achieved than big, bold projects! This can take the form of a 20-minute nap, gardening, reading, a 10-minute walk, or a music break, for example. The main thing is that the activities you choose match your wishes, that they relax you and that they replenish you with all the energy you need.
Muscle tension, often linked to stress, can be eased through stretching exercises as soon as you feel pain. This does not mean training for the New York marathon, but engaging in relaxation exercises that allow the muscles in the most sensitive areas (neck, shoulder, legs) to relax and that provide psychological relaxation.
To succeed in letting go at least once a day, you could practice rhythmic breathing. This is a natural method of inhalation through the nose down to the lungs and then the belly and exhalation through the mouth. To help you with this method, there are a few mobile apps that can guide you in your breathing exercises and thus help you get back in touch with yourself and the present moment.
Why not select one of these three paths today as a resolution for taking care of yourself? Whether it is your first sip of coffee in the morning, a few stretches before meals, or a simple moment to practice rhythmic breathing, you will see that these pleasures, as small as they may be, will help you recharge your batteries. Who knows, maybe you will get a taste for taking care of yourself?
For more information, call Caregiver Support at 1 855 852-7784. Our professional counselors are on hand to listen, provide information, and direct you to resources and services in your area.
Written by: L’Appui pour les proches aidants, in collaboration with Karène Larocque, psychologist, and Marie-Josée Lagacé, psychoeducator.
Take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease with our expert lectures, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you.
Do you have any questions or concerns? Above all, do not hesitate. Contact us at 1 855 899-2873 to discuss with a nurse specializing in uro-oncology. It’s simple and free, like all our services.
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