Helpful Organizations
Below is a list of different professionals and organizations that you may contact for different kinds of services, ranging from documentation, financial and emotional support to lectures and other informative resources. Being well surrounded and getting the expertise to make informed decisions are two elements that are part of a good strategy for planning your life after a cancer diagnosis.
Keeping in mind the lengthy approval time for support, any financial issue must be resolved first. You may also need a referral from your doctor, nurse or social worker to be eligible for certain services. Speak to your doctor and healthcare team for additional information.
And don’t forget that we are here for you, our expertise being established for prostate cancer. Feel free to contact us!
List of professionals outside the public healthcare network
- Labor lawyer
- Insurance lawyer
- Personal banker
- Accountant
- Insurance advisor
- Rehabilitation counselor
- Orientation counselor
- Ergonomist
- Tax expert
- Notary
- Bereavement specialist
- Social reintegration specialist
List of professionals within the public healthcare network
- Specialist doctors
- General practitioners
- CLSC nurses
- Oncology nurses
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Sexologist
- Physiotherapist
- Kinesiologist
- Massage therapist
- Occupational therapist
- Nutritionist
- Social Worker
- Pharmacist
If necessary, some organizations can guide you or accompany you during the more difficult times and decision-making process.
Community Organizations
Quebec resources and references
- Quebec Cancer Foundation – Accommodation
- Eastern Quebec Cancer Association
- Cedars CanSupport
- OGPAC (Gaspé Cancer Society)
Canadian resources and references
- Canadian Cancer Society – Prostate cancer
- Prostate Cancer Foundation Canada
- Calgary Prostate cancer Centre
Support Groups
Hotlines and support groups
Medical Associations
Associations and Orders
- Canadian Urologist Association
- Association des urologues du Québec
- Le Collège des médecins
- Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec
- Ordre des sexologues du Québec
- Ordre des psychologues du Québec
- Ordre des physiothérapeutes du Québec
- Association des kinésiologues du Québec
Government Agencies
Provincial and Federal
- Régie des rentes du Québec
- CNESST – Non–work-related accident or illness
- Ombudsman – Health Insurance
- EI sickness benefits
- Family and caregiving benefits
Reimbursed medications and your rights
Support for Spouses | Caregivers
Provincial and Federal
- L’Appui pour les proches aidants
- Regroupement des aidantes et aidants naturels de Montréal (RAANM)
- Douglas Institute – Natural caregivers: pratical advice
- Canadian Government Programs – Employment Insurance Caregiving Benefits
Health and wellbeing
Useful publications and links for cancer patients
- Association des psychologues du Québec
- Ordre des psychologues du Québec
- Sexuality and Cancer
- When a relative has cancer
- Inner Harmony: Managing Stress, Radiating Serenity
- Living with advanced cancer
- Everything about hormone therapy
Nutrition and exercices
- Nourishing Your Body, Nourishing Your Mind
- Nourish
- Healthy bones and muscles
- Staying Active: Move to Live, Live to Move
- Balanced Weight, Balanced Daily Life
- Improving your health through physical activity
Help – Incontinence
- Find a physiotherapy professional
- Clinique de continence urinaire de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
- TENA products for men
- Depend products for men
- Cunningham clamp
- Remboursement des sondes urinaires (prestations spéciales)
- Canadian Continence Foundation
Help – Erectile dysfonction
- Trouver un(e) sexologue dans ma région
- Osbon ErecAid (Canada)
- Bieva (France)
- Bathmate (USA)
- Boutique érotique Séduction (Quebec)
Gynecomastia – Men’s compression clothing
When distress persists
Suicide prevention and mental health support
- Mental health resources (Quebec)
- Santé et services sociaux Québec – Mental Health
- Canada Service
- Mental health support: Get help
- Suicide prevention Canada
Last medical and editorial review: December 2023
Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved